Street Sweeping


Stormwater Pollution Prevention

Street sweeping provides for the removal of dirt, debris, leaves, and other pollutants that can accumulate on road surfaces and eventually, wash into storm drains which drain to our lake and river. Sweeping also reduces the chance of localized flooding during heavy rains caused by blocked storm drains.

Improves Air Quality

Increases Traffic Safety

Sweeping of our city streets is a continuous effort until the winter weather does not allow.

Residential streets are swept an average of 4-6 times annually.

Major Streets (Arterials, Collectors) are swept 2x monthly.

  • Do not put debris such as sod, garden or wood waste, limbs or branches in the street.
  • Move parked cars if you hear the sweeper in your neighborhood
  • Trim low hanging branches and limbs from your curbside trees, shrubs or plants to allow the sweeper to clean as close to the curbline as possible.

(Street sweepers are higher profile than cars and pickup trucks. Damage to mirrors, antennas and strobe lights are costly in terms of repairs and down time.)

Trying to schedule certain streets on certain days for sweeping is not a feasible option at this time.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at  (208) 769-2235.