Appeal a Parking Ticket


Appeal forms must be submitted within ten (10) calendar days of the issue date on the citation. You will receive a written decision within fifteen (15) business days after filing this appeal form. After submitting your appeal form, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation, please check your spam filter. If you still do not receive a confirmation, your submittal was not successful. Please contact us.

Important Notes:

The following will not be considered grounds for filing an appeal:

  • Having only a portion of your vehicle parked in a prohibited space.
  • Accidentally or unintentionally parking illegally.
  • Being unaware of parking ordinances.
  • Unavailability of parking in the area.
  • Being unaware of the passage of time.

Photos: If you have photos that you would like to submit as evidence, please email them to [email protected] within 24 hours of filing your appeal. Be sure to include your ticket number in the subject of the email.
PDF form to fax or mail to City Hall