Welcome to the
City of Coeur d'Alene Fire Department

The Coeur d'Alene Fire Department is committed to providing the highest quality service to the residents and valued guests of the City of Excellence. 

We are driven by perfection and steered by
Knowledge, Tradition, and Integrity.


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Yard waste burn Permits are free, and available online at


City of CDA residents will still need to obtain a slash permit in person at The Administration Building, 300 E Foster Ave., so that we can ensure that an inspection is performed prior to starting a slash pile burn. If residents do not have Internet access, they can still go to their local fire station where they will be assisted. The CDA public library also offers internet access.

For additional information, please click here Yard Waste do's and don'ts



Contact Us

Phone: 208-769-2340
Fax: 208-769-2343
300 Foster Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Deputy Fire Marshals
Craig Etherton 208-659-8986 Bobby Gonder 208-755-9709

From the Chief

We are committed to providing the highest quality service to the residents and valued guests of the City of Excellence.
Welcome to the web site for City of Coeur d'Alene Fire Department.

We are driven by perfection and steered by Knowledge, Tradition, and Integrity.

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