The Urban Forestry Committee is an advisory committee appointed by the mayor to assist the City in the management of its tree resources.
The committee consists of nine members. By ordinance, four of the members must be local professionals with expertise in forestry management and practice.
Urban Forestry Committee Members:)
  • John Schwandt, Chairman (Retired Forest Pathologist)
  • Erika Eidson, Vice Chairman (Entomologist)
  • Steve Bloedel (Forester, Forest Products Industry)
  • Bob Hallock (Utilities Engineer)
  • Bruce Martinek (Forester, BLM)
  • J.D. Reeves (Urban Forester, North Idaho College) 
  • Gina Davis (Entomologist) 
  • Gabriel Hynes (Student Representative)
  • Vacant
Preparation of an approved list of appropriate tree species for planting on public property;
Development of standards for planting, placement, pruning and maintenance of trees located on City property;
Recommend specific actions to be taken regarding problems with trees involving the Urban Forestry Ordinance. As part of this responsibility, committee members inspect right-of-way trees for which a request for a removal permit has been received. Inspections are made once a month;
The development of a comprehensive street tree inventory;
To provide, upon request, advice and consultation to the Mayor, City Council and City departments, on matters relating to trees.
Meeting Date:
Third Friday of the month at 8:05 a.m. at City Hall in Conference Room 6.
Staff Liaison:
Nick Goodwin, Urban Forester
Parks & Recreation Department
710 E. Mullan Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: (208)769-2266
Click here to see the minutes from the last Urban Forestry Committee meeting.
Click here to view the Current Agenda