Personnel Appeals Board

The functions of the Personnel Appeals Board shall be to hear appeals submitted by any persons in the competitive service relative to any disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, interpretation, or alleged violation of the Personnel Rules and Regulations and to certify its findings and recommendations to the City Council which body shall finally determine the appeal as provided in the Personnel Rules, which final determination shall be subject to judicial review as may be allowed by law.

Members of the Personnel Appeals Board shall be residents of the City of Coeur d’Alene. No person shall be appointed to the panel who holds any paid office or employment with the City.

6 Members, 4-Year Terms
Board Meets as Needed

Susan Weathers
Colleen Krajack
Dixie Reid
Kelly Ostrom
Ben Wolfinger
Sharmon Schmitt

Staff Liaison:

Melissa Tosi
710 Mullan Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
(208) 769-2203