Standard Operating Procedures

Number General Category Subject Effective Data
2003-2 Demolition Clarify the procedure for the demolition of buildings with a basement 01/01/03
2005-1 Architects/Engineers Amended architect/engineer plan preparation clarification 08/19/10
2024-11 Cold Weather Concrete Cold weather concrete requirements 11/21/24
2006-1 Brace wall Alternate braced wall panel adjacent to door or window openings 05/02/06
2006-3 Plumbing Plumbing fixture design criteria 05/24/06
2006-4 Accessibility Pending 06/06/06
2006-05 Fire Locking fire department connections 07/01/06
2006-06 Manufactured Homes Grandfathering 30 PSF roof snow loads for existing manufactured homes 07/16/06


2007-01 Electronic Plans Electronic permit submittals from all designers 02/01/07
2007-02 Fuel Gas Fuel gas inspection & unlock 02/07/07
2008-01 Attic Access in a Closet Attic access located in a closet or small room 01/01/08
2008-02 Brace Wall Shear wall panel staple restriction 07/30/08
2008-03 On-Site Plans Approved plans required at the building site 09/01/08