Criminal Division

The Criminal Division:

  • Prosecutes infraction and misdemeanor offenses occurring within the City limits under State and Municipal Codes that are investigated by the Coeur d’Alene Police Department and other law enforcement agencies.
  • Assists the Civil Division in matters involving criminal laws and ordinances.

The Criminal Division practices “vertical prosecution.” This means that one attorney in the office is assigned to a case from start to finish. Cases are assigned to attorneys alphabetically by the defendant’s last name as follows:

Prosecutor/Assistant                                        Defendant Last Name


Matthew Simmons, Assistant City Attorney

Tami:                 B, C, T, U, V, X

Kristy:                S, Y

Shannon:          W, A  

Juanita:             Z


Ryan Hunter, Chief Deputy City Attorney

Tami:                 D, E, F

Kristy:                G, H, I, J, K, L  


Jason Stanley, Assistant City Attorney

Shannon:          M, N, O, P, Q, R



Shannon, Sr. Legal Assistant 208-769-2324

Tami, Legal Assistant 208-769-23325

Kristy, Legal Assistant 208-769-2328

Juanita, Sr. Legal Assistant 208-769-2348

Main number is (208) 769-2323 or send e-mail to: [email protected]


Ryan S. Hunter

Chief Deputy City Attorney 

Criminal Contact Info

Phone: (208) 769-2323
Fax: (208) 769-2326
Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
710 E Mullan Ave (Entrance is located off 8th St and Mullan Ave)
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
To better assist you, please contact our office
to schedule an appointment. Thank you.