Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee

Winter Accessibility Flyer
Summer Accessibility Flyer

The Ped Bike Committee was formed in July 2003 to address the growing needs of the cycling and pedestrian community 
Click here for the 2016 Ped/Bike report to council. This short presentation highlights the accomplishments of the committee from its inception and proposes goals for 2016

The purpose of the Pedestrian Advisory Committee shall be to promote non-automotive forms of travel and the development of safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities into a well-designed, integrated transportation network for all Coeur d'Alene citizens.
The Committee consists of up to 12 members.  Representatives of different types of walking and biking communities shall be represented.
One representative from each of the following communities: Walking, Running, Biking, Retired, Physically Challenged, North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation, Engineer or Landscape Architect,
and School District 271 or a member of the legal community, a student representative and alternate, as well as member of City Council. 2 members shall represent the General Public.
The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall be as follows:
  1. To promote walking, bicycling and people-powered transportation in Coeur d'Alene.
  2. To review and make recommendations on long-range transportation plans as related to pedestrian and bicycle issues of the city.
  3. To promote safety education programs for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.
  4. To serve in a liaison capacity between the city and the Idaho Transportation Department in developing and implementing the Idaho Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan.
  5. To serve in a liaison capacity between the city and Kootenai County, local Highway Districts, KCATT and KMPO in developing overall coordinated plans for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and pedestrian bicycle safety programs.
  6. To review and make recommendations on transportation projects as related to pedestrian and bicycle issues in the city.
  7. To review and recommend transportation project prioritization and funding as related to pedestrian and bicycle issues in the city.
  8. To assist and advise the Planning Commission with respect to pedestrian and bicycle facilities and parking.
  9. To develop and recommend to the City Council and Planning Commission adoption of ordinances and policies for the planning and maintenance of pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the city.
  10. To advise the city administrator and city departments regarding pedestrians and bicycle issues in the city.
  11. To monitor and promote implementation of the Coeur d'Alene Bikeways Plan.
  12. To coordinate with regional public entities to promote creation of networked pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
  13. To develop and implement a Safe Routes to Schools Program.
  14. To seek grant money and other State and Federal monies for pedestrian and bicycle project enhancements.
  15. To comply with all City policies, procedures and regulations.

Meeting Date

The first Wednesday of each month, at 4:00pm.  The meeting room is in Conference Room #6 at City Hall, 710 East Mullan.
All meetings are open to the public and publicized to allow and promote public participation in the decisions of the Committee. 


Relevant Links
Idaho Walk Bike Alliance
Click here for Cd'A Ped/Bike Blog
Click here for Cd'A Ped/Bike Facebook Page
5 Year ADA Plan

Committee Members
Denise Jeska: Chair, Physically Challenged
Mike Fuller: Vice Chair/General Public

David Passaro:
Walking Community
OPEN: Bicycling Community
Mike Wood: Running Community
Mike Light: Landscape Architect/ Engineer
Cody GoettlSafe Routes to School Rep
Bill Irving: Retired Community
John Bruning:  Centennial Trail Foundation
Amy Evans:
City Council Liaison
Brandt Souvenir: General Public/Water Recreation
Greyson Storey: Student Rep
Allistair McIntire: Alt. Student Rep

Monte McCully: Staff Liaison

Bill Greenwood: Cd'A Parks and Recreation Director
 To apply for an open position please review the Ped/Bike Ordinance HERE. Once you review the ordinance, fill out the Professional Data HERE and send the completed document, along with your resume and references to [email protected]. Once an application is reviewed at the following committee meeting and approved, the recommendation will be added to the next City Council agenda for appointment.

The process may take two months. It is a good idea to attend the meetings before applying and attend the committee meetings while waiting final approval. Please be aware that some positions have special requirements, such as the School District Representative and the Engineer/Architect Representative. Please make sure you represent the position you are applying for. 

Contact Through a Staff Liaison 

Monte McCully, Trails Coordinator
 710 Mullan Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
Parks Department: (208) 769-2252
FAX: (208) 769-2383