Southwest View of Entry Way (CONCEPT) Click the image for a larger version
At the July 19, 2016 City Council meeting the Council approved a City Hall Remodel project. A remodel of the existing facility, constructed in 1978, will prolong the life of the structure and save millions of dollars versus constructing a new facility. The intent of the project is to enhance access for those with disabilities, provide additional security, and ensure the community's City Hall has modern HVAC and energy efficiency infrastructure.
At the November 29, 2016 meeting of council, staff recommended, and the council approved, the rejection of all bids and the issuance of a request for qualifications for a Construction Manager/General Contractor for the City Hall Remodel Project. The benefit of a CM/GC includes having the ability to renegotiate prices, and can provide insight to contractors about the project and ease concerns about complications. At the January 17, 2017 City Council meeting, the council approved a staff recommendation for selection of Ginno Construction to perform these CM/GC services, and the council will consider a contract with Ginno in February 2017.
The project budget is set at $1.9 Million and will include the following renovations: A new main entrance and ADA-compliant elevator, interior remodel to accommodate staff relocations and customer service center, two single-user ADA restrooms (one on each floor), remodel all existing restrooms and remodel employee restrooms next to break room, new acoustical ceilings and grids, replace wood siding around entire upper fascia, replace glass in west facing windows, replace lower west windows and siding, new exterior doors and frames, replace HVAC units, replace flex duct work, replace light fixtures with LED fixtures, new electrical service, new fire alarm, new IT wiring, install access control and camera system, move employee break-room to lower floor, Parks & Recreation Department remodel, repaint exterior, and replace server room roof top unit.
This site serves as a repository for documents related to the remodel. Some documents may be drafts or conceptual and are not considered final unless marked so. Documents will be placed here as they are received or presented during meetings.