
ArtCurrents is popular public art placement program in which the City, in essence, leases pieces of art for use in downtown Coeur d'Alene, the Riverstone area, and Atlas Waterfront Park.

Coeur d’Alene ArtCurrents 2024

Below are the pieces currently on display in the ArtCurrents program.


Artist:  Michael Ford Dunton

Location:  2nd and Lakeside

Asking Price:  $16,000

"Sway" is a wave form. Sunlight on moving trees and moonlight on water.


Artist:  Paul Reimer

Location:  Lakeside/ 3rd Street

Asking Price: $10,000
This artwork explores the theme of community spirit and collaboration through the use of multiple sculptures gathered together.  Like a forest, a community is made stronger through many individuals coming together to support each other.  On their own, each tree is strong and valuable, but together they become a force that influences the world.  The same is true for members of a community.  When individuals bring their strength and creativity together to support and energize others, the result is a community in which every resident has the opportunity to thrive and contribute.

"O’Keefe 7"

Artist: Patrick Sullivan

Location: Lakeside/ 3rd Street

Asking Price: $9,500
Stone is the most green and sustainable material for public art, climate friendly with zero harmful emissions or toxic materials created during fabrication. 


"Sentinel Watcher"

Artist:  Robert Turriff

Location:  Riverstone

Asking Price: $12,000

Conceived as a guardian of nature, “Sentinel Watcher” assumes the role of a vigilant sentinel overseeing human activities. Despite its seeming statis appearance, this robotic organic entity instills an ominous sensation, hinting at its latent capacity for action. In the artist’s vision, this creature stands as a defender of the last remnants of thriving ecosystems.

Crafted from welded steel components, meticulously cut and refined, it functions as an artificial intelligence-generated protective drone, distinct from human creation.  “Sentinel Watcher” acts where human green and hubris fail, serving as a poignant commentary on our collective responsibilities towards the environment.


"Blue Spire"

Artist:  Gerry Newcomb

Location:  3rd Street/Sherman Ave

Asking Price:  $4,500

“Blue Spire' is part of a series of forms relating to the idea of a wave, flow of water, or air.   


Artist:  Spokane Art & Copper Tones

Location:  Sherman Ave/6th Street

Asking Price:  $2,000

“Dragonfly" is a five foot (5’) tall cast iron sculpture with a mosaic pattern on the wings.


Artist:  Spokane Art & Copper Tones

Location:  Sherman Ave/5th Street

Asking Price:  $2,000

“Pinecone" is an iron sculpture which is a succinct representation of the Pacific Northwest. 


Artist:  Dale Young

Location:  Atlas Waterfront Park

Asking Price:  $40,000

Carved stone sculpture is a classic artform that has been around for thousands of years. This piece is made with columnar basalt from eastern Washington. It is called ‘Gaia’ or ‘Mother Earth’. Everyone who has seen it has used the same word to describe it – ‘beautiful’. Coeur d'Alene is also beautiful! A unique town on a gorgeous lake with access to trails paths and beaches. All due to our amazing natural environment. Mother Earth at her finest. Gaia's pregnant belly shows the oceans and continents.

"Eternal Mudra"

Artist:  Dale Young, Randy Raak, Tumblestone

Location:  Atlas Waterfront Park

Asking Price:  $6,500

It is a stone sculpture that will last eternally.  The sculpture is peace giving and presents unity to the Coeur d'Alene community.  Stonework is classic throughout the world.  It has always shown its ability to tell a story.  The inspiration for this piece was the material itself.  It is nature at its finest.  It is the building block of existence!

"Responding to a Rival"

Artist:  Jason Paul

Location:  Sherman Avenue/6th Street

Asking Price:  $5,800 (Sold)

This piece was inspired by one of the northwest’s icons; the regal and majestic elk that live throughout the region.  True North Westerners love this symbol of the northwest and really appreciate the large antlers that they wear as a crown. 
The piece captures that majestic look and provides the opportunity to see up close, just how big these animals are by creating the piece in life-size form.