Residential Street Tree Planting/Re-Leaf CDA

City ordinances require the planting of one street tree per street frontage for new construction of duplexes and single family dwellings.  Note that corner lots would require two street trees—one per frontage.

A $300 fee per street frontage will be collected when a building permit is issued.  The fee will be held in a dedicated fund.  A request for  refund of the $300 per street frontage fee can be submitted when one of the following conditions has been met:

  • Retention of existing tree(s) within the right-of-way.
  • Purchase and planting of one tree per street frontage at time of application for Certificate of Occupancy (C.O).
  • Purchase and planting of a tree(s) by the property owner within 6 months of issuance of C.O.  

Required street trees must be planted within the right-of-way.  While only one tree per frontage is required, many lot frontages can accommodate more than one street tree and additional street trees may be planted.  Please contact the Urban Forestry division regarding suggested spacing, set-backs from intersections, and a planting permit. Trees must be at least 1.5” caliper, and species are to be selected from the appropriate street trees lists. In most cases, trees are to be selected from the medium or large tree lists, unless there are overhead utility lines or less than 4’ft of planting space.

To request a refund 

  • fill out and submit an application for refund. If a refund form has not been submitted within six months after the C.O. is issued, the street tree fee will be used by the City to purchase and plant street trees.  Plantings will be scheduled for spring or fall. See the Re-leaf tree planting page for more information.